Flash Player for iPod Touch 3G, 4G: Is There One Available?

Most websites these days have embedded Flash objects which add to the experience of visiting the site. In fact Flash elements are what have made websites more interactive than ever. So, it is really unfortunate that the iPod Touch does not support Flash.

If you try to open a website with Flash content on the iPod Touch 2G, 3G or iPod touch 4G – you will be able to view partly loaded website. This also means that you cannot play the latest Flash based games on the iPod Touch.

The only Flash support you get is in the form of the preloaded YouTube app that comes with the iPod Touch. This plays converted YouTube videos but if you try to play independent videos in the FLV format, you will fail.


So, is there a Flash player for the iPod Touch? The official answer is no, there are none. For various reasons Apple has chosen to omit a dedicated Flash player for its devices and the iPod Touch is no exception. One of the most widely cited reasons is that Flash support would unnecessarily increase the competition for videos which can be downloaded from iTunes, since most FLV videos are free and can be easily embedded into websites.

And this omission is not hurting Apple one bit, because the iPod Touch is such an awesome device otherwise, that people are willing to forego Flash. But if you are really interested to know, there are some covert ways to get Flash support for your iPod touch.

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For example, the iTransmogrify bookmarklet allows you to open Flash content on mobile Safari browser and so, you can play embedded videos or stream music without any problem.

But what if you want a dedicated Flash player on your iPod Touch? Well, that too is possible if you are willing to jailbreak your device. Once jailbroken, you need to download and install the Cydia app. From Cydia get an app named iMobileCinema, which allows you to play all forms of Flash video and also lends Flash support to the Safari Browser. This app should work for any iPod Touch with firmware version 2.0 and above.

So if you have a jailbroken device, playing Flash content should not be a problem if you follow the tips just discussed. But also remember that Flash content leads to greater CPU usage and may affect the performance of your iPod Touch. Go ahead only if you are willing to take that gamble!
