Sn0wbreeze v2.0 For iPhone Jailbreaking Coming Soon

The popular iPhone Jailbreaker who is behind the release of sn0wbreezeBlackBreeze and f0recast is out there working on the latest Sn0wbreeze v2.0 that is to be available for download very soon.

iH8sn0w is now working on the latest version of Sn0wbreeze (Sn0wbreeze v2.0) that can jailbreak the iPhone and iPod touch.


What’s in store for iPhone users with Sn0wbreeze v2.0

Sn0wbreeze v2.0 (only for windows; mac users can download Pwnagetool) offers jailbreak for Jailbreak iOS 4.1, iOS 4.0.1, iOS 4.0 and iPhone OS 3.1.x firmware. So, any iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 3G, or the iPod touch 2G can be jailbroken with this version of Sn0wbreeze, almost instantly.

On the other hand, this v2.0 Snowbreeze version will not be able to jailbreak the Apple iPad and iPhone 4, although Geohot has succeeded in jailbreaking iPhone 4 but it seems like he’s partly interested in making a public release of the tool for iPhone 4 owners.

So lets keep our cool and wait for iH8sn0w to update us with the download link of Sn0wbreeze v2.0.

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