Clever Background images for your iPhone

There are thousands of background images and wallpapers one can download off the Internet, buy only a few are really worth using. Here are a few clever wallpaper backgrounds that deserves a chance to stay on your iPhone.

Beautiful background images for iPhone

Here’s my new favorite, and the one I am using right now on my iPhone 4S. There are two images: one is for your iPhone’s homescreen, the other for your iPhone’s lock screen. These blue wallpapers fits perfectly on any iPhone.

Home Screen wallpaper:

Lock Screen wallpaper:

Via Reddit

If anyone is interested, this was the wallpaper I was using on my iPhone 4S for 6 months or so. It still remains as one of my favorite wallpaper:

Few more iPhone wallpapers

Did you like any of them? Feel free to let me know your favorite iPhone wallpaper.

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