What is Untethered Jailbreak?

Let us have a quick look at one of the very popular iPhone-related term ruthlessly exploited on the web and in the Apple Jailbreaking community: untethering.

For the majority of us, technical jargon goes above our head, so in this article we will explore untether in the simplest way possible.


What Exactly is Untethered Jailbreak?

Pretty much everything opposite of tethered jailbreak. In tethered jailbreak, you must try not to reboot your iOS device. If you want to reboot it anyway, then you must connect your device to the computer.

In Untethered jailbreak, that’s not the case — you have to jailbreak your device once, reboot it whenever you want, without having to connect to the computer again.

Untethered Jailbreak makes your Apple device function normally. Just think of your device as a normal one except that it has been jailbroken.

As the untethered jailbreaking tools are out, you can effortlessly jailbreak your iOS 5 Apple devices using Corona, which is a Cydia tweak, or use any of the jailbreaking tools like redsn0w. Untethered Jailbreak is by all accounts a safer and most preferred way to jailbreak your device.

Some reality facts before we wrap up this article:

  • The word untethered doesn’t exist in the dictionary. Yes, that’s a fact!
  • Untethered Jailbreak is available only for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad devices powered with the A4 processor.
  • iPhone hackers have made significant strides in finding untethered Jailbreak for A5 devices and a release could be expected within a week.
  • A4 device owners can convert tethered jailbroken device into untethered one by running untethered jailbreaking tools.
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Now that you have an idea about iOS untethered jailbreak, I’d recommend you to go through this article to learn more: What is tethered Jailbreak?

