Everything You Need To Know About Tax Advisor

A tax advisor is an expert in tax matters who is dedicated to guiding their clients, normally self-employed and companies, about the obligations they maintain in terms of taxes and accounting.

The figure of the tax adviser helps taxpayers to comply in the form and within the deadline with all the responsibilities they have with the Treasury, both at the state level and at the regional and local levels.

Due to the complexity that exists around tax matters, having a tax advisor like Suter Treuhand Consulting can make a significant difference in the amount to be taxed due to ignorance about the legislation.

In some cases, the laws contemplate exemptions, the application of possible deductions and even balance the activity of the company in the most advantageous legal form before presenting the obligator tax declarations; this may mean a reduction in the amount to be taxed.

In Spain there is no harmonized regulation on the figure of the tax advisor as there is in other countries, but there are ethical codes of professional associations and associations such as the Spanish Association of Tax Advisors or the Spanish Association of Tax Advisors and Tax Managers, with rules that regulate the correct conduct of its activity.

Now that you know what a tax advisor is, we will explain what functions they perform.

What are the functions of a tax advisor?

Once explained what a tax advisor is, we tell you about the functions he performs. The tax advisor, as we have already explained, helps entrepreneurs and freelancers with their accounting obligations, but these are not his only functions.

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A tax advisor is a professional expert in tax matters who, in addition to knowing the legislation and all current provisions, masters the knowledge of accounting, financial and commercial matters.

You can apply your knowledge in favor of your clients, but always respecting the legislation and avoiding risks.

These are the main functions carried out by a tax advisor:

  • They carry out a study on the legal situation of each company and advise the client based on their interests and personal circumstances.
  • It is in charge of advising entrepreneurs, that is, of all the activities prior to starting a business or economic activity.
  • Advice on all matters related to the management and administration of the company.
  • Guidance about making investments in assets, as well as the increase or decrease in assets or changes in the legal personality of the entity.
  • Advice on the drafting of Social Statutes.
  • Advice for the constitution of companies in notarial deed, as well as all communications about the beginning or end of the company’s activities before the Tax Agency and before the corresponding Mercantile Registry.
  • The tax advisor can represent the company before the Tax Agency or court in tax procedures such as liquidations, inspections, presentation of allegations or for the negotiation of the deferment of payments. For this, there must be prior consent of its clients.
  • They also prepare and present the periodic settlements of the different taxes to the administration within the established deadlines.
  • Tax advisors inform and warn their clients about non-compliance with tax obligations and its legal consequences.
  • Advice on import and export of goods, as well as the preparation of the necessary documentation for it.
  • Advice in relation to the payroll and salaries of the company’s workers.
  • The tax advisor is responsible for contrasting and managing information on tax matters about the company through programs and databases.
  • Advice and planning in tax matters on the obligations of the taxpayer.
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If you need more information do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you.
