Opera 9.5 & Opera 10 Theme addon for Firefox browser

I have already talked on how Opera was trying to be the best web browser on the Internet by creating a funny face gesture concept. But the download statistics of Opera 9.50 to opera 10 speaks the popularity of the browser, and the numbers are quite impressive. With less promotions, Opera browser (9.5, 9.6 and the opera 10) has gained a lot of user base because of its simple interface that fits the browsing experience for most of us.


It’s obvious that the browser choice depends on the requirements of the user. For those of you who are sticking with browser such as Firefox because for the addons and extension it has, then check out this Opera firefox theme that can be installed on your Firefox browser.


With various opera skins this firefox addon theme is going to be useful for surfers out there, the same lite firefox skin I talked about few days ago will transform your firefox into latest opera 9.5 theme. Download the addon from here and after installation head over to the firefox tools option, new and test skin to grab the opera skin on firefox. You can also visit Personas to get the opera styled theme instantly.

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