Find out who is using your WiFi and learn how to block it!

Ever wonder if someone was using your Wi-Fi? This question usually arises when we try to watch a video and the slowness of the Internet irritates us. So, at blogote we have decided to make a tutorial for you to find out if you have a smart guy stealing your connection.

Although routers come with active security settings, many hackers can use the Internet without permission . To find out if someone is taking advantage of the connection, follow our instructions:

Analyze your Wi-Fi connection

First, you must download an application to analyze your internet connection. Blogote indicates the Fing or the Tether , for TP-Link routers, both available for Android and iOS .

With apps, you can find security holes and potential intruders that may be using your internet. Do not forget that the network to be analyzed must be the one you use on your phone. In both Fing and Tether, the procedure is very similar and easy to understand.

  1. After installing one of our references, open the app;
    • You will see in the start menu the network connected to the cell phone.
  2. To see the devices connected to your network, just click the refresh icon;
    • Then a list will appear with all the devices that use your internet.
  3. To get more information about a device, click on it;
    • You can know the hours when the connection is made, among other details. In addition, you can easily identify the devices connected to the Internet that belong to family or friends.

However, if you find a strange device that you don’t remember giving access to, someone else may be using your Wi-Fi. But do not worry! We explain below how to block the imposter.

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Block third parties using Wi-Fi

If you’ve spotted a stranger using your Wi-Fi connection, it’s time to block it. Thus, it neutralizes the Internet theft at once. So follow the step by step:

  1. On your cell phone, write down the MAC address of the unknown device;
    • Just open Fing or Tether, click on the suspicious connection, and save the “MAC Address,” which consists of letters and numbers.
  2. On your computer, open your Internet browser and enter the IP of your router;
  3. Log in;
  4. Generally, to access the Router’s configuration, the username and password are “admin”, “password” or “1234”. If your network administrator has changed this information, you will need to contact him to continue.
  5. Find security options in Advanced settings;
  6. Look for filter options and select MAC Filters (MAC Filters);
  7. Enter the MAC address that you obtained with Fing or Tether;
  8. To end the Internet theft, click on the Deny or Block option ;

Clever! If you have done everything correctly, a list of MAC addresses blocked by you will appear on the screen. If what you just included is in the selection, it means that the device is locked and you will no longer be able to use the Internet.

To grant access to a specific MAC, simply reverse the action.

Taking care of Wi-Fi network passwords

How to locate an IP address geographically in 3 steps

The internet is full of malicious people, just like the real world. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind some security tips for your passwords.

Protecting your Wi-Fi network is not only an advantage so that your Internet does not slow down, but also for confidential information and virtual habits that hackers can access, who act silently to commit crimes. Be careful!

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1. Create great and strong passwords

Everyone knows this, but it’s worth mentioning: avoid simple passwords , with your date of birth or family. Passwords with information such as the name of your pet or loved ones are not very secure. Choose something that is relevant but not easy to find.

Another tip is related to the length of your password: look for one that is between 8 and 11 characters long. There are several programs that look for passwords and try the most diverse combinations to access any network. So a big password makes hacking difficult!

2. Use special characters

Do not discard special characters, such as @ or #. As they help with the complexity of passwords, it is important for anyone who does not want their Internet to be stolen by intruders. Also, this tip is valid for everything you do on the Internet and you need to log in: include special characters in your passwords!

3. Check the security of the pages.

Before providing your password to any website, check that all security parameters on your device are active, as well as a good antivirus running. In the browser, give priority to sites that have HTTPS protocol, which guarantees extra security when browsing.

Suspicious or even hacked websites take advantage of users who end up inadvertently providing their passwords on the Internet. Therefore, always pay attention to the pages you visit!

