How important is user experience in web design?

One of the most important aspects in web page design is the user experience, also called UX (User Experience). It will depend on the satisfaction that the user obtains browsing your website and, consequently, whether your brand is perceived positively or negatively.

Suppose your product is excellent, you invest in advertising, you have enviable customer service, you have hired the best professionals, your prices are competitive… In short, you have dedicated time, money and effort to make your company succeed. So, you cannot neglect this essential part, because if it fails you could be losing business opportunities.

If you think you should have more traffic or more conversions and you are not getting the expected return, keep reading, here you could find the solution. If you prefer, you can also contact a professional UI/UX audit services provider for advice.

The relationship between web design and the success of your business

Your website is your showcase, for the good and for the bad. This seems obvious, but it is not, there are still many companies that do not prioritize their digital cover letter, and this has as a consequence, in many cases, a loss of profits that could be easily avoided: it is of little use to make large investments in advertising if when the user lands on your page the experience is not favorable and they leave it in search of other options.

According to this survey, the lowest marks are found in the help system and in the search system, while the ease of interaction and page labeling are distinguished with the highest. A quite striking fact is that 50% of the companies analyzed fail in the loading speed of the site.

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These figures do not sound very alarming, but let’s not forget that these are the most important companies in the country. If half of them do not approve in such important factors as loading time, it is worth asking the following question: how to create a web page that offers the best user experience?

Put yourself in the user’s shoes

It is assumed that you have already done it in previous phases of your marketing strategy, you have analyzed your target audience and you have created the product or service that they need. You also know the channels to connect with him and you have managed to get his attention so that he enters your website. Well, this is cause for celebration, but now there is no need to relax.

Try to take a step back and analyze your site objectively, with the eyes of an Internet user who has just arrived at it and knows nothing about you or your company. If your budget allows it, conduct interviews with potential users to define your buyer personas, which are the archetypes that represent the different types of users you are targeting. Study their expectations, their objectives and their behavior within your website and record the results, not only the most tangible data such as the obstacles encountered in their customer journey, but also the sensations generated by browsing, does the visitor feel happy?, frustrated, indifferent? Do not underestimate the value of emotions, they play a determining role in purchasing decisions.
