Best Old Microsoft Games | Classic Games From MS

Microsoft Games where introduced in the year 2002. It is been owned by Microsoft itself. For window-based PCs it has been developing and publishing video games. The Microsoft Games or the Microsoft Game Division is now called as the Microsoft Game Studios, modernly it has created new virtual gaming called the Xbox and many series in the Xbox video games. Microsoft games also publish several games created by second and third parties. Some of the second and third party are Lionhead studiosRare LtdBioWare and Epic Games. That being said, there are tons of old Microsoft games which are still played and loved by many, some of the best Microsoft games are available in online stores.

Microsoft Games took over many other gaming studios. First it took Bungie in the year 1999. It took control of these gaming studios to develop its gaming skills in its house. Now Microsoft Games has been creating and developing its Xbox gaming. In the year 2002 Microsoft Games took over its second party dealers the Rare Ltd from Nintendo and the Stamper brothers.

Of a video game development company this has been believed to be one of the most expensive purchases.  The original IPs rights that Rare’s own such as Perfect Dark and Banjo-Kazooie are also been acquired by Microsoft. In the year 2006 Microsoft also bought Lionhead Studios and Massive Incorporated. Lion head is gaming platform with the Fable video game series. Were Massive Incorporate is a gaming ad company to provide extra gain from their revenues. In 2007 it opened a new European office of Microsoft gaming. In 2008 it announced the newly created internal games studio. In 2009, due the global recession Microsoft closed both Ensemble Studios and ACES Game studios.

One of olden game pack that Microsoft created for the gaming world is Microsoft Windows Entertainment Pack. It was mainly designed foe windows. It is a collection of simple games for Windows. These games were actually not usual for that time. They would not run under MS-DOS. In the Best of Windows Entertainment Pack many of the games were later released. In the original series there were four Entertainment packs.

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Some of the old Microsoft games are Chess, Chip’s Challenge, Fuji Golf, Go Figure, Idle Wild, Jezzball, Jig sawed, Klotski, Life Genesis, Maxwell’s Maniac, Pegged, Pipe Dream, Word zap, Tic Tac Drop, etc. And also many card games like Cruel, Dr. Black Jack, FreeCell, Golf, etc.  And some of the best Old Microsoft games are:

Chip’s Challenge is a puzzle video game. This game was originally designed by Chuck Sommerville. This is a very interesting classic game. This game is about Chip McCallahan who meets Melinda the Mental Marvel in his high-school science lab. He must go through Melinda’s “Clubhouse”, which is a series of puzzles, to prove him self and to gain membership to the Bit Buster Club. Check it out icon wink Best Old Microsoft Games | Classic Games From MS

FreeCell is popular card game. It is a solitaire based cared game that is played with 52- card standard deck. All though of many differences in many systems, most versions point the hands with a number. FreeCell is a fundamentally different from other Microsoft games.
