Create WordPress Favicon Icon

A favicon icon on your blog gives a special recognition to your blog. Making use of favicon icon is actually a good way to represent your site to your visitor and create a brand out of your site. In this article we will talk on how to create favicon icon files and add them to your wordpress blog.

Generating Favicon in WordPress Panel

Create a suitable image file and convert it into favicon .ico file — you can do this by using JPG to ICO converter. Once you have the icon file, go ahead and upload it on your server.


Though I am not a good coder but I am quite familiar with wordpress platform, so the next step is to add a favicon in your wordpress blog. Navigate to your theme section from wordpress admin panel and paste the given code in your header.php file! Make sure the uploaded favicon icon file is named as favicon.ico. For example:

<link rel= “shortcut icon” href=”favicon.ico” >

WordPress Favicon Generator

Another method to add favicon on wordpress is to make use of wordpress plugin; check out this (Favicon generator) excellent wordpress plugin to generate favicons easily.

Download the plugin from here, activate it and choose your favicon file from the set of ico files. You can also upload your own favicon file and set them as wordpress favicon without the need of inserting codes into your header file.

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