Fix Issue With Minecraft Launcher For Mac OSX

Minecraft is a great game. And with the popularity comes teeny-weeny problems. A recent issue with Minecraft launcher has spawned discussion amongst the Mac users.

Problem With Minecraft Launcher on OSX

You can download the Minecraft launcher for Mac OSX from the official Minecraft website. But, as most of you gamers may already know, the launcher doesn’t work.

When you open the Minecraft launcher, the icon constantly jumps on the Mac dock for a few seconds and then disappears. In other words, you can’t connect to Minecraft with the launcher. The fix is simple.

How to Fix Minecraft Launcher Problem

Whether you have Windows or Mac, the first thing to do when you are not able to connect to Minecraft is to check whether is down. Also, double check that your PC is connected to the Internet.

But if the problem is not with the Internet connection and is with the Minecraft launcher on your Mac, then we have a widely known yet simple solution: update Java.

But wait, there’s another concrete, sure-fire solution posted on Reddit. All you Mac users who want to fix the persisting problem with Minecraft launcher should download this file:

Click here to download.

This .DMG file upon installation will bring back Minecraft launcher that is not buggy (with a new icon) and help you connect to Minecraft on your Mac OSX Lion and Snow Leopard.

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