How To Configure Android Phone and Use It as a Wireless Modem

Android Phones not only allows you to surf the web, it can also act as a reliable internet modem allowing you to surf the world wide web from any PC and Laptop.

Android developers are able to conveniently allow its users to connect to the internet in seconds via their PC. It is something that we know as Android tethering. Tethering allows users to use any smartphone as a wireless modem using its 3G feature to get connected to the internet.

Check with your Service Provider

Check with your phone’s service provider regarding policies and conditions that you need to follow before starting to connect your PC with your Android Phone. Service Providers have different packages or offers a unique charging rate for tethering services. Some however restrict tethering and consider it illegal. It would be best to check with your provider if they cover this particular service.

Once you are able to get your service provider’s nod, check for the data usage charges. Keep in mind that when you are riding along your 3G service, you will be consuming huge amount of data usage. Check your current plan; unlimited data plans will keep you okay however if you are restricted to use only a certain number of data for a month then you may consider checking it with your provider.

How to start on Tethering on Android

If your service provider will allow you to connect to the internet, they will be providing special steps on how to do so. But aside from that there are many options on how to connect to the internet using your Android phone. You have to be familiar on these other options as it involves working on advance settings and complicated Android device configurations.

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On your phone, open the Android Market and search download and install the PdaNet Application, this application is currently free of charge.  Once completely installed, download the compatible program on your PC. Search and click on June Fabrics, and select the correct settings for your computer. This program supports 32-bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. Supported as well are 64-bit versions of Windows Vista and Windows 7 and Mac OS 10.5 and 10.6 versions.

Make sure that you adjust the settings of your Android phone to allow PdaNet application to stream data from your Android Phone to your PC. You can do this by going to your home screen; tap the Menu Key, then select Settings. Choose Applications and then choose Development. Make sure that you click on the box that says USB debugging. Once the confirmation dialog box appears, press on OK. Note that the confirmation dialog box says you may be accessing this maliciously, so for your protection make sure you got back to this options whenever you are not using your Phone as Modem function and disable the USB debugging device.

Connect to the Internet

Once you are sure that you have programs and settings correctly installed and configured. You may start connecting your PC to the internet. Using the simple USB connector, plug the Android device into an open port on your PC. PdaNet also support Bluetooth connection, so if you are using a PC with a Bluetooth function you may opt to enable this and you can connect wirelessly.

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Run the PdaNet application on your phone and choose Enable USB Tether. There will be a confirmation message to check if you were able to download and install the compatible PC software. Once confirmed the application will verify that your connection is up and running. Now, on your PC search for the PdaNet icon (retangular cellphone icon) right click and select Connect from the pop-up menu. At this point, you are now ready to browse the internet through your computer PdaNet should show a pop up confirmation of a successful connection and you are ready to go online.
