Stumble webpages without downloading Stumbleupon toolbar

Stumbleupon has been a great source of traffic for blogs as it is a community thrived on quality interesting web links of various websites spread across the Internet.If you are on Firefox or Internet explorer browser then you will find addon’s to download and integrate the stumbleupon toolbar which makes it easy to stumble websites or give a review to any particular web page.


The above browser is Google Chrome and I have my stumbleupon toolbar integrated with it without any addon! Google chrome doesn’t have a support for addons or any extension and so does Safari and other web browser.If you are on other browser and love to stumble quality websites then this will be helpful!

Thumbs up or Thumbs down without toolbar

Just copy this link and paste in your browser

Replace the sitename with the site you are stumbling,you can thumbs up (Up vote) or thumbs down using this trick.

Reviewing or submitting a Web page to Stumbleupon

if you are still of firefox or Internet explorer browser but don’t want to install the Stumbleupon addon toolbar  and want to submit a webpage with the review then copy paste the code on your address bar and hit enter.

You will get a url box,place the website url link which you are about to submit and review the website.

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