How to Write And Save Notes to the Cloud

Transferring documents and important notes to a USB stick and then using these documents on another computer can be a time consuming task.

You are also inviting trouble if the second computer doesn’t have any word processor installed, which means you can’t edit these files anymore. You will be adding up time if you are going to download and setup your favorite word processor on that system.

To make life easier, you can upload these files to Google Docs. Then you can edit, add text and play around with your notes as and when you like.

Sync Your Notes to Google Docs

Uploading your notes / files every time to Google Docs is also a time consuming chore. If you are using Google Chrome browser, there’s an extension that will automatically sync your writing to Google Docs.

Scratchpad is a simple note-taking app that takes your notes offline and syncs to the cloud.

You can type your notes on the Google Chrome browser. And when you are connected to the Internet, Scratchpad will silently sync these notes to Google Docs. To access these files on a different computer or laptop, log in to Google Docs with your Google account.


There’s no need to hit upload or save button, as all the notes written on Scratchpad will be automatically saved to Google Docs.

Download Scratchpad: You need to run Chrome browser to download Scratchpad. Here’s the download link. After you have installed this extension, you have to grant access to Google Docs (this is a one-time process) for syncing all your notes automatically.

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Useful Keyboard shortcuts

CtrlB Bold
CtrlI Italics
CtrlShift7 Start a numbered list
CtrlShift8 Start a bulleted list
CtrlZ Undo
Esc Within a note, press Esc to go to the docs list.
Within the docs list, press Esc to close the app.

Note: If you’re using a Mac, you’ll need to use the command key instead of Ctrl.
