Download Qvee Media Player Alternative Decoder

Qvee media player is a commercial product used as a video, avi decoder that installs and plays required video format. But if you can’t afford to spend money on Qvee media player then check out the freeware alternatives that works as same as the Qvee Media player. 

What QveePlayer says about Qvee Media Player:

The Qvee Media Player is used to decode files and watch standard media formats in a high definition quality. If you want to watch videos of other format then Qvee Media player will automatically download the required codecs and install them on the computer.

User opinions about Qvee Media Player:


Some users refer Qvee player to be a usual audio, video player that requires a purchase for full version. It automatically downloads codec pack for watching the videos and there are freeware Qvee player alternatives that are propagated on the net which includes features equally good compared to Qvee media player. So why to spend money for downloading full version of Qvee media player?

Free Qvee Player Alternatives

Some of the best alternatives recommended for download instead of purchasing full version of Qvee player:

  • K-lite codec – This codec pack will install on your system to let you play and watch standard media of any media format. You have to download k-lite latest pack and install on your restart, the codecs will be integrated to Windows media player on Windows.
  • VLC Media Player – VLC player 1.0 final version has been released, VLC media player supports various extension with an simple interface. If you are on windows vista machine then check out the vista VLC player bug that has been fixed.
  • SM Player – SM player is another free media decoded you can count on. It’s simple and supports a lot of extensions, you can synchronize audio & subtitles for the video.
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