Meebo is Blocked in Office? Access Blocked Meebo

Meebo has become one of the trusted and popular web instant messaging service. Not everyone have the time to download IM clients such as Yahoo! messenger, MSN messenger or Google talk for chatting, therefore Meebo comes in handy as it allows you to chat online without downloading anything!

But when Meebo is blocked in Office then you have to find ways to access it, you can make use of proxy, alternative meebo websites or other ways to access unblock Meebo!

Due to the useful features of Meebo – It has been blocked in several places making it hard for people to access Meebo in the blocked environment, keeping this in mind – Here are some of the tips to access and unblock meebo whether you are in the office, school or colleges.

Make use of Meebo proxy – With proper proxy website you can definitely access Meebo website. Though there are several proxies for Meebo available online, I would point out that only few of them might work for you. So, if meebo is blocked then try to access it through Proxy. If it fails then check out the next options

Unblock with Meebo Reporter – As written by Ghacks, one of the easy ways to access blocked Meebo is to make use of “Meebo reporter” which is an official app that configures the web settings allowing you to access Meebo whenever it is blocked. Download Meebo Reporter (Link)

Meebo Alternatives – If the above two tips aren’t helpful in unblocking Meebo then the last and recommended option is to use alternatives of Meebo. These are similar Meebo sites which helps you to log into Gtalk, MSN, Yahoo! and chat with your friends. Some of the best Meebo alternatives are:

  • E buddy – Popular web instant messenger and quite similar to Meebo services.
  • I love IM – Access Myspace, Gtalk, MSN, Aim and Yahoo!
  • Imo – Similar to I love IM but also includes Skype, Facebook chat.
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