Torrent Uploaders that Match up to Axxo Movies Torrent

I’ve already mentioned – who is axxo and how his top axxo movies quality are available online with a good seeding ratio.

Though aXXo isn’t uploading movie torrents now but there are other good DVD ripper within the torrent community who are well known for compressing, ripping movies in compatible format with excellent high quality visual scenes.

Here are the torrent uploaders username who are found in private torrent tracker as well as public tracker, there upload quality are almost equal to the axxo movies though sometimes the size may differ (Klaxxon movies are around 800mb+..).

If you are looking for axxo movies alternative then you can consider checking out these uploaders DVD rips stuffs which have been pretty good:

Best Torrent Uploaders near to aXXo quality uploads

  • FXG – Torrents uploaded by FXG are of high quality, averaging around 100 comment. Size is usually under 800mb.
  • FXM – Similar to FXG, provides movie torrents of almost around 700mb most of the time.
  • Keltz – Seen in demonoid torrent website, keltz quality of movies are pretty good though the size varies.
  • Klaxxon – Some say he is the disguised aXXo (Klaxxon), Klaxxon dvd rips are as good as aXXo and size is around 800mb.

Do you know any of the best torrent uploader or dvd rippers I’ve missed? Do let me know icon wink Torrent Uploaders that Match up to Axxo Movies Torrent

Update: Please take a moment and vote for the best torrent uploader.

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