Knownhost Review — Three Years of Reliable Hosting!

Back in those 2008 days, I always chose shared hosting to host my websites. They were cheap and powerful enough, I thought. After a couple of easy months with traffic less than 10000 UV per month, I was happy with my decision. However, AOL’s Downloadsquad linked to our Google Chrome bookmarklets article. ReadWriteWeb linked us followed by several other blogs. Blogote’s traffic spiked, and this site was down for a day.

I had to transfer my site to Dreamhost.

The smooth experience with Dreamhost further declined when our articles went viral in the social media space. This article about the cheapest tablet reached the front page of Digg. Anyone familiar with Digg will be aware of its power — we received 1000 visitors every minute and within 20 minutes, the site went down again.

I moved Blogote to MediaTemple. I was satisfied, but I always craved for something more.

Purchased Knownhost VPS

Several bloggers hosted their blog on virtual private server. Seeing my frustration with shared hosting, these good bloggers recommended Knownhost. Back then, I had to pay $35 every month for Knownhost’s VPS hosting.

The same hosting plan is available for $25 today on Knownhost. The bottom line is, I am glad I picked up Knownhost — it’s a reliable hosting company with rock solid support!

Blogote is now hosted on a $45 monthly plan. I have a couple of websites on the same server, so adding extra RAM was a must.

Knownhost sign-up link (affiliate URL).

There’s More

I have been with this company for 3 years now. And I can guarantee you 100% satisfaction. The investment is worth it just for the support they provide. So, let’s say, if you are new to WordPress, ask them. Don’t know how to install antivirus on your server? Ask them. Want them to optimize your blog? Ask them.

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They will get back to you within 30 minutes without fail. That’s right — 30 minutes max!

These guys have gone an extra mile to help me with my other websites. For instance, Sabrina from Knownhost explained me all about traceroute last week. She installed a new WordPress theme, changed the permission settings on the server and did a lot of technical things I wasn’t familiar with.
