Download BlackBerry Death Grip App [Antenna Meter]

For those who are not aware with the term death grip, it means to hold the smartphone in a way that causes signal loss. We have seen this on Apple iPhone 4, and also taunted the issue.

But Steve Jobs blatantly addressed in the press conference that iPhone 4 is not the only piece of gadget around; RIM’s BlackBerry device drops bar as well.

However in the nick of the time, Xtreme Labs and Fixmo came up with the BlackBerry Death Grip App (also called: Antenna Meter App) for download that uncovers the signal strength on Blackberry Phones.

Download BlackBerry Death Grip App [.Jad File]

This is a simple app, and a free one, to find out the blackberry signal strength. Seems like Apple chose design over functionality and I doubt if there’s any similar App coming for the iPhone 4 in the Apple’s Appstore. Anyway, BlackBerry users can download the .JAD file of the app and try it out.

Click here to download (Via Pocketberry)

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