Steam Mac Release Available For Gaming on Mac OS

Steam for PC has been undoubtedly successful and now, from the folks at valve, comes the Steam for Mac OS that lets you turn your MAC into a gaming powerhouse, instantly.

What’s this Steam? Steam provides a client that allows you to interact with global community of gamers and play games with steam’s very own online platform. The gaming has finally arrived on MAC with potential game titles that are going to please Mac users.

Steam Mac Release Download

You can directly download the .dmg Steam file for your Mac by clicking here. Once downloaded: double click on the dmg file and drag, drop it into the application folder.

After you are logged in you can browse through the steam stores, gaming news, libraries and participate in steam community. But you don’t have to really buy games from Steam store, because Steam portal is free for a limited period to celebrate the Mac steam release.

To get portal for free, visit the Portal page (Official page) and click on Get portal now.


The free portal for Mac steam users is definitely useful and is freely available till May 24th. So far, iMac users haven’t encountered any bugs in installing and playing steam powered games and are enjoying every moment of free games that are available on Steam.

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