ExoPC Hacked With Android OS

Microsoft’s entry into the world of tablet computing was expected to reach all new heights with their 10.2 inch ExoPC tablet. At $699, the 64GB Flash tablet PC went on sale this holiday season and saw a number of buyers, some content and some absolutely dissatisfied.

In order to cater to the later half, coders and freeware analysts from over the world came together on one platform to hack the ExoPC so that it was able to run the new Android 2.2 OS. What would seem to be a definite security measure for Microsoft from refraining to use the tablet as an Android device has now become a hackers dream come true.


Coders and analysts on the ExoPC forum have been contemplating Android for the tablet since a long time. However, finding out where one can get it to run spotlessly and smooth was a question on everyone’s mind.

Wilson from the ExoPC forum (link) has finally made it happen and has introduced an all new way to get Android 2.2 working seamlessly on the Exopc tablet. Not only that, but it seems to have the Froyo OS installed on it as well. At $699, it can be quite pricey to opt for an ExoPC  tablet and then install it with an Android OS. However, Android does have more to offer compared to the Microsoft firmware.

For now, although the ExoPC has been hacked to accommodate Android 2.2, only time will tell if Microsoft will sob over it or will capture the market.

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