Online Gamers Need to Protect Themselves from Cyberattacks

Gaming is no longer merely a young person’s pastime. 53% of gamers are adults, and 45%  are women, according to the Entertainment Software Association. 

In other words, more than half of all online gamers are adults who likely have access to a lot of private information about themselves and their life. 

These non-teen gamers realize a rising need for cybersecurity, particularly as they become more active in online gaming communities and spend more time playing games on their devices. A VPN service is the best method to encrypt your personal data and mask your location from hackers. 

ExpressVPN is the best-recommended VPN you can get subscribed to. It comes with monthly and yearly subscription plans. However, you can easily cancel ExpressVPN at any time in less than a minute. 

You can also take effective measures to ensure the safety of your computer system and personal credentials, and yes, it has never been really very difficult. 

So, regardless of the online games you’re playing, here’s how to stay safe from online threats.

Ways to protect yourself against cyberattacks

Never interrupt your experience of playing games online, just follow the methods discussed to stay safe from cyberattacks:

  • Set Strong Passwords

Always use complex passwords when playing strategy games or online jigsaw puzzles. Using strong passwords and different passwords for various accounts is one of the greatest strategies to protect oneself from hackers. 

Hackers may attempt to snoop into your personal life, even in online puzzle games. If you don’t have a strong password, they can easily accomplish this. 

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Even though online jigsaw puzzle websites may seem safe, there are certain security risks associated with them, especially if you aren’t diligent about where you get your puzzles. Playing on shady websites is not advised.

A strong password should have at least eight characters, include both letters and digits, and not contain any words or phrases that an attacker may quickly guess (such as your name).

A password reuse attack could compromise all of your online accounts if you use the same password for several accounts. Even your closest friends and family members shouldn’t know your password out loud, and you shouldn’t write it down either so that nobody else can find it.

  • Remove Your Gaming Account on Public Computers

When you’re finished playing, log out of your gaming account as the first step in remaining secure online. If you have many devices, this may become a little more difficult, but the fewer devices you have signed in simultaneously, the better. 

Furthermore, you must be careful not to keep your account open on public computers or on any other device that could fall into the wrong hands.

If it does, make sure there are no identifiable personal data attached to it, such as a picture of you wearing a T-shirt bearing your last name. If an online game asks you for personal information such as your birthdate or favourite colour, don’t offer it unless it’s absolutely necessary for the game’s functionality. 

Many games ask for this info merely so you can make an account and play them for free! If there aren’t any such restrictions, think about forgoing them entirely.

  • Install an Antivirus 

Most people are aware of the benefits of antivirus software, but many do not realise that it is applicable to various types of devices, not just desktop and laptop computers. Even if you have antivirus software installed on your PlayStation 4 or gaming console, if these devices are directly linked to the internet, they could still be at risk of malware attacks from online games. 

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Similarly, even when not connected to Wi-Fi, smartphones and tablets are susceptible to assault. This is particularly true for mobile gaming platforms, where apps frequently need an internet connection to function, such as saving progress between sessions or watching adverts to earn free coins, gems, or whatever else might be available in a particular game.

One of the easiest ways to get hacked is by clicking on a link supplied to you by someone who doesn’t have your best interests at heart. Sending you an email with a link that appears genuine is one of the simplest ways for someone else to acquire your personal information without your knowledge.

They’ll make sure the email address ends with something like or to make it look more real, but do not allow this to trick you into thinking the message is secure! 

These emails may occasionally claim to be from well-known companies like PayPal or Google (or even another game developer), but they may actually have been sent by con artists hunting for their next mark.

  • Create a Separate Account for Gaming 

The first step in securing yourself from cyberattacks when playing online games is to create an account. Using a username other than your name or email and a password that is difficult to guess, such as your birthday, name, address, or phone number, are essential when creating an account. 

Use caution while entering your email address as your username. Attempt to avoid using any of the following as passwords as well: you were born you, please (s) Address and phone If you’ve been playing online games for some time, you probably know something about these security precautions. 

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However, do not worry if you are new to the gaming industry and require more assistance.


Online gaming is a fun, social, and well-liked hobby and even a vocation that isn’t going anywhere despite the numerous potential problems. You can read about how to protect your business from cyberattacks

Follow the necessary measures to increase the security of your operating system, and never let anything hinder your gaming experience.

