Access WikiPedia Content Offline By Downloading WikiPedia Pages

Just few days ago we had a post on downloading and reading wikipedia offline, and now here are some more ways to access the wiki and choose your desired bundles of pages to download and read them offline.

Download WikiPedia Pages 


WikiSlice aggregates Wikipedia website articles based on a particular topic which makes it easy to explore and search for information easily. You can see popular pages and different topics in wikislice and save them too.

The most important feature of wiki slice is that you can download wikipedia bunch of pages from a particular category easily. Lets say, you are searching information about ‘Britney spears’ then you will get all the information on her and on the left sidebar of Wikislice – You will have a option to download all those pages to your PC, later which can be viewed and accessed offline.

You just have to agree the terms and enter your mail ID to access and download those wikipedia pages. The extension of the download will be in the form of  software (exe) which can be downloaded automatically when you download your first WikiSlice (pages).

Using this it is easy  to download Wiki specific pages on your desktop or laptop and access the information even when you are offline for quick note.

Visit Wikislice and download

Reading Multi Lingual Offline Wikipedia

WikiTaxi – It is a portable application that delivers the Wikipedia of your choice anywhere. You can access, read,  search, and browse Wikipedia offline. All the pages are in a WikiTaxi database. Because Wikipedia is constantly growing, WikiTaxi uses compression to make sure that the database stays reasonably small. The huge English Wikipedia easily fits on a 8 GB memory stick.

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This application is multilingual, which means that you can use in different languages. As wikitaxi works with original Wikipedia database dumps – the pages in WikiTaxi are up-to-date.

You have to download and extract Wikitaxi, run application (exe) and there you have it – Complete wikipedia pages in a single executable file.
