Demonoid Site down – How to find if Demonoid is not working!

Demonoid is a Private Torrent tracker and a highly populated website which searches for torrents uploaded by the users. Registrations are open once in a while.You can also register if you have the invitation code which I will be giving away soon icon wink Demonoid Site down How to find if Demonoid is not working!

For the members of Demonoid who can’t access the website due to some technical reason or if site is down then here is way to confirm it by visiting this sites such as downforeveryoneorjustme. This website ‘Down for Everyone or Just me’ will basically check the Demonoid site url and provide you the information if the website is really down or it was just you!

Whether Rapidshare Site or Ebay Site is down, you can find out all the website on the Internet are working or not!

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Update: If you can see blank pages and you are not able to access Demonoid torrents then its blocked. Yes, Demonoid is Down and not working in India and several countries and IP’s are banned with no specific reasons stated yet.

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