10 Things You Must Do With a Brand New Laptop

You have changed your laptop. Surely it was about time. So congratulations! It is a moment that makes a special illusion, because you are going to enjoy better benefits. You will probably enjoy better performance, better graphics, higher processor capacity, more memory, better image, a more reliable hard drive.

To make the experience even more satisfactory, we suggest you do a brief set-up. Very brief, it is not about doing anything extraordinary. What we suggest is that you do not limit yourself to turning on the new equipment and simply putting it to use.

If you follow the recommendations that we propose, the premiere of the brand new laptop will go smoothly

The goal is for the new equipment to be as safe, personalized and fast as possible

Step 1: Update Windows

First things first: Windows Update

When it comes to brand new computer equipment, the first thing you have to do is update the Windows operating system. That is, you have to do a Windows Update.

This action is also appropriate when you have stopped using a computer for a while. And it is likely that, in that period of time, new updates have been created.

Take a check despite forced updates

Windows 10 incorporated forced updates, making it impossible to bypass them. Now, sometimes you will have to wait for an update to occur. And therefore it is recommended to do a check and look for updates or updates at the moment.

How to update Windows

How to do it? Open the Start Menu , select the gear icon, and go to Update and Security .

From there, you will see the Windows Update option . Click, and wait for the updates to arrive.

Step 2: Install Antivirus

Find the antivirus that best suits your needs. Antivirus is a key element. A computer without protection against threats is absolutely vulnerable. The computer could leave you in the lurch at any moment.

Do you need powerful protection?

Remember that Windows 10 has Windows built in Security, which is good for many users. Now, it is not as powerful an antivirus as the ones on the market. On the other hand, remember that Windows Security doesn’t even allow you to schedule scans to search for threats.

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If you want to protect yourself well from malware (malicious programs, such as viruses, Trojans, worms, etc.), you have to choose your antivirus system well.

Step 3: Choose a browser

Windows 10 comes with a new browser called Microsoft Edge , which should be the replacement for Internet Explorer.

This is a good option. But you should know that you can choose the browser that best suits your needs. After trying various browsers, all users have an idea about which browser is best for them. The deciding factor may be usability. Or something as simple as that the browser can incorporate add-ons (applications that work through the browser) that are very useful.

Customize the browser

Remember that in Options or Preferences of your browser, you can set your personal preferences.

In which folder to download the files that you download with the browser? What security and privacy options do you want? What protection against tracking do you want? Do you want the browser to remember the history? Do you want to save navigation cookies?

Step 4: Create user accounts and set parental controls

If you are the only person who is going to use the laptop, a user account is enough. Now, if it is a laptop for family use, which is going to be used by more than one person, you have to create separate accounts.

You must go to Settings (gear icon) and click on Accounts. You must open an account for each user. This way you ensure that each person will enjoy their personalized preferences during the duration of the session of use of the equipment.

Step 5: Sort your Start menu

Microsoft has brought back the Start menu with Windows 10.

This is a menu that can be customized. You should know that Applications can be pinned and unpinned to the Start menu.

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We explain how to pin the applications you use most frequently :

  • Open the Start menu, then find the app you want to pin in the list, or search for it by typing the app’s name in the search box.
  • Press and hold (or right-click) on the app, and then select Pin to Start.
  • To unpin an app, select Unpin from Home.

Step 6: Uninstall unwanted software

Laptops incorporate software from other manufacturers unrelated to the brand of the equipment or device. Obviously, all these programs are present on your computer because both brands (the laptop and the software) have reached a commercial agreement.

Pre-installed apps

We refer to applications of social networks, protection against viruses, content streaming , etc. This pre-installed software is also found on desktops, tablets, smartphones and smart TVs.

Is all the software that you have by default useful?

All of these pre-installed software’s don’t have to be useful. For example, browser toolbars can be somewhat cumbersome. Or, simply, you may not want to use the antivirus option that comes by default. Also, many times we are talking about test programs. That is, to continue using them, you have to hire them.

Why can this unwanted software bother you?

In today’s laptops, the hard drive often has a lot of space. For this reason, pre-installed software that does not suit your needs will not be a big problem of space. Now, if they can slow down the computer and cause collisions with other software that you do want to use.

Therefore, the advice is that you get rid of all those softwares that you do not know what they are about or that you do not want.

Go to Applications and Features, review all installed programs, and uninstall all those that you know for sure you do not want.

You have to select the application in question, and click on the Uninstall button.

Step 7: Install desired software

In the previous point we have explained why it is good to get rid of unwanted software. And we have shown you how to do it.

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Once you have gotten rid of all those software’s that you were never going to use, you have to install the software that you do want to use.

There are tons of free programs for your most basic needs. Whether reading PDFs, playing video or music, taking screenshots, etc.

Step 8: Make a backup of your computer

Your laptop is safe. It’s updated. You no longer have unwanted software. And you already have the software that fits what you need. Perfect. You are already prepared or ready to enjoy your new equipment. But, but, you can still do something else. We advise you, if you have an expert level or close to the expert level, to make a clone or image of your primary hard drive. This is the hard drive from which Windows boots.

That copy, of course, must be placed on an external hard drive. Thus, if you had to reinstall Windows, you shouldn’t do all the customization, tweaking, and cleaning work again.

Step 9: Get familiar with your laptop

You’ve already done all the hard work. Now is the time to chew, fiddle, and test. It is time, of course, to look at what Windows offers you. And finally, the time has come to test all the programs that the team has.

There are many guides available with tips and tricks to get the most out of your new gear.

Step 10: Transfer the data of your old laptop

It is done. You already have everything under control. Calmly, now is the time to move the files from your old computer to the new one. Always make sure you have a backup copy of your contents and files on an external hard drive.

!! Congratulations!! Now you can start enjoying your new laptop, for leisure or work, with all the guarantees.

