Top software: 7 reasons why your backup provider should use Veeam

In the digital era, your organisation needs a backup solution that is going to harness your growth. There is no space for failure in cloud backups, as your organisation relies upon its ability to retain information at a moment’s notice.

Veeam is an award-winning platform revered for leveraging virtual environments to optimise their client’s service. Put simply, their platform increases the value of backups.

Made for modern business, their highly advanced, technologically-adept system is there to maintain petabytes of data for clients across Australia.

Here are seven reasons why your data team should use Veeam:

  1. It is a cost-effective solution

One of the most amazing reasons for the best cloud backup Australia has using Veeam is its cost-efficiency for clients. It is designed to stimulate direct cost savings, with businesses saving thousands each year whilst increasing retrieval performance. What’s more, it helps alleviate downtime, something which also boosts its cost-efficiency.

Its three-angled attack on resource efficiency includes reducing reactive retrieval, replication activities and delivery availability and allows your organisation to focus on growth.  

  1. It doesn’t require an agent

Veeam doesn’t require an agent to operate. As such, your provider can help you experience greater cost savings in administration and hardware. You can reduce costs through bandwidth use, component acquisition and software licensing as opposed to installing an agent on each virtual processor.

It makes administration easy, through utilising a centralised managed approach that provides the administrator with ultimate control. Through leveraging an agent-based backup across your virtual processors, you will increase business scalability – an essential aspect of modern business success.

  1. Integration is a breeze
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Physical retrieval tools take countless time to provide new Hyper-V and VMware support. Veeam, conversely, is specially-made for virtualisation as it works effortlessly with your hypervisor to support them on infrastructure and a single console. You can simply move licenses between Hyper-V and VMware without changing your agreement.

  1. Instant file retrieval

Instant file retrieval through imaged-base retrieval systems regularly causes problems. To fight this issue, Veeam created an Instat File Recovery (IFLR) system that makes restoring guest documents from deduplicated and compressed back simple.

  1. Instant VM retrieval

Incorporating patented breakthrough technology that Veeam provides simplifies starting the virtual machine in an instant manner. If, for a particular reason, your virtual machine shuts down you can easily turn it on again through any host. Depending on the technique used, you can undertake a full recovery solution in the background without any effect on users or your organisation.

  1. Offsite retrieval are simple

A typical problem with data protection is maintaining data for your disaster recovery location. To help reduce this problem, Veeam provides its users with flexibility through built-in WAN Acceleration, and this technology can help decide which data blocks exist and which should be transported for retention. Veeam Acceleration includes a host of incredible features like traffic compression and global caching as well as being much faster than standard file copy.

  1. It is incredibly reliable

Veeam is renowned for its reliability, as there is replica testing and automated solution on every one of your workloads. Recovery time is one of this system’s ultimate traits, ensuring ultra reliability for organisations who need a reliable solution for optimisied cloud storage.

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As you can see, your cloud storage provider should use Veeam, as it comes with a host of outstanding benefits that make it one of the most important solutions for modern businesses looking for rapid recovery and reliability.
