iPhone 3GS Gets Cheaper in India

Apple iPhone 3GS is no More an Expensive Cell Phone

Introduced three years ago at Rs. 29000, iPhone 3GS smartphones were probably the best devices in the market. Over a million iPhones were sold in only three days back then.


Times have changed now — we have many superior smartphones today, some cheaper and probably better than iPhones, but that shouldn’t stop you from buying iPhone 3GS. Why?

Few reasons to buy iPhone 3GS right now:

  • Huge reduction in price (read below).
  • iPhone 3GS can be updated to iOS 5.
  • You can access iTunes App Store to download millions of apps.
  • The phone just works out of the box.

Price of iPhone 3GS in India – 2012

Aircel India is offering iPhone 3GS for Rs. 9999 under one condition: pay additional Rs. 3000 as advance rental. This is valid for postpaid users only.

Here’s what you will get with the phone: free unlimited browsing for 12 months.

Every new iPhone 3GS owner will get 2GB browsing at 3.6 Mbps. Post 2GB, the speed will be up to 128 Kbps. And after 12 months, you have to pay Rs. 399 every month.

Postpaid iPhone 3GS plan:

Click to view the iPhone 3GS Postpaid Plan

Prepaid iPhone 3GS plan:

Click to view the iPhone 3GS Prepaid Plan

Apple iPhone 3GS may seem outdated, and a few HD games may freeze once in a while, but given the price has come down to an acceptable range, the phone continues to impress us. If you are planning to buy an iPod Touch, think again, because at this price iPhone 3GS is a steal.

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You can always pick up an iPhone 3GS from Aircel Stores and other leading mobile retailers.
