Fix Cydia Crash on iOS 5.0.1 [For Untethered Jailbreak Users]

If you have successfully managed to jailbreak your iOS 5 device in one-shot, I think it is appropriate to say you were born under a lucky star. In many cases, there are minor hiccups that slides onto your device after executing the jailbreaking process. One hiccup is the random crashing of Cydia app.

Cydia crashes frequently only when you try to ‘add source.’ This happens on the Apple devices — iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4G, iPad running iOS 5.0.1 — that were recently jailbroken using redsn0w tool.

How to Fix Cydia Crashing Problem on iOS 5

Step 1: Gain access to root files of your Apple device. You can do this by downloading tools like iExplorer for Mac; Windows users can go ahead and download iFunbox, which is an excellent utility to navigate through the raw system files.

Step 2: Plug your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to your Mac or PC. Assuming that you are using a Mac (because I am), launch iExplorer utility.

Step 3: Navigate to the following path: Root -> Private -> Var -> Mobile -> Library.

You will find Keyboard folder in your Library, drag and drop this on your desktop.

Step 4: Go to Root -> Private -> Var -> Root -> Library.

(Notice the difference in path in step 3 and step4; they are not the same).

Drag the step 3’s Keyboard folder from your desktop to step 4’s Library folder. That’s it! This should fix the constant cydia app crash that left you in frustration whenever you tried to add source.

Note: This guide is for Apple devices using untethered jailbreak tools like redsn0w — only for iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4G and iPad users. If you have any other way to stop Cydia app from crashing, feel free to let me know.

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