Top 5 Hilarious iPhone 5 Commercial Parodies on YouTube

Here are a couple of funny iPhone 5 commercials from YouTube. Some of these commercial parody videos may make you laugh real hard, and some of them may sound downright silly — but hey, let’s accept it: they are hilarious and are admittedly better than the original Apple commercial.

Have a good laugh watching these iPhone 5 commercials and let me know which one is your favorite:

1. Video description: The new iPhone 5 is huge, making it easier for the iPhone users to take stunning photos. And wow, it looks exactly like a DLSR camera.

2. Video description: A new amazing feature in the iPhone 5 will blow your mind away. Can you guess this new feature? Yes, iPhone 5 is invisible.

3. Video description: “A large 4-inch retina display, 4G, wireless charging, feature that allows you to use your phone to be swiped as credit card… naturally, none of these features will be on the iPhone 5. We like to keep people craving for 4G and then not deliver it.”

4. Video description: The new iPhone 5 is completely made out of wood. It can now catch fire, and break very easily.

5. Video description: The new iPhone 5 features amazing apps such as Cheat deterrent, the polygraph test, pregnancy test, and the N*gga Proof app. Note: this video is NSFW (Not Safe for work).


Did you find these videos hilarious enough to make you LOL? My favorite? I absolutely loved the first video… but what if, in reality, the upcoming iPhone 5 will look exactly like a DLSR camera? I’d be shocked.

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