Now Play Flash Games on iPad [Download Free iSwifter App for iPad From iTunes Store]

It is a known fact that Flash is still not accepted on the iOS platform. But do you know that Flash games have been given then green light to run on the Apple iPad? Apple has just given its all important approval to a free app called iSwifter which streams games to your iPad.

So, in effect the iPad works like a remote desktop client, relaying the game to your device and inputs back to the game server. While this is definitely a good start to the end of the impasse between Apple and Flash (if ever there is to be one!), the limited number of games available may just be a dampener.

Right now only a few games from Yahoo! Games, AOL, Facebook and Kongregate are available. But the good news is that the iSwifter will soon have more games and tie-ups with Flash-gaming portals.

The app is pretty well designed but the fact that it does not play the game directly on the iPad is pretty evident at times. There is the occasional delay between click and input and screen refresh rate is not good enough at times. If you are a fan of puzzle games, you will like this app, because most of the games available right now are of that genre.

Thankfully, the games such as Screw the Nut and others, do not require a very fast screen refresh rate to be played properly. However, there are question marks over what will happen when fast, action oriented games are played on the app. These games will also require more complicated commands than mere clicks and taps.

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The iSwifter app is available for download for the iPad from iTunes store (Click here) and works only on Wi-Fi. 3G support as well as new apps for iPhone and Android devices will be launched soon. But the biggest question is: is this the opening that Flash needed on the iOS?
