Transform Your iOS 5 to iOS 6 With This Theme

Apple previewed the  new iOS at the WWDC Keynote. The beta version of iOS 6 has over 200 unique features and is already available for download but is restricted to only iOS developers.

Regular users who would like to experience iOS 6 on their iOS 5 devices — including iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch — should know that the stable version is expected this fall. If you would like to experience iOS 6 right now, without installing the beta version, here’s a quick workaround.

A new iOS 6 theme is available for iOS 5 users who have jailbroken their devices. The theme, available in Cydia, can be downloaded and activated for free. It brings changes to the UI, a new iOS 6 wallpaper, a new dialer and changes the Maps icon among several other minor ehancement.

How to Install iOS 6 Theme?

Assuming that you have a jailbroken device, go to Cydia. Tap on Search and type in the keyword “iOS 6 Theme.” Confirm and install the theme. Downloading this theme will automatically install Winterboard.

To activate the theme: Head over to Settings -> Winterboard -> Select Themes. Select iOS 6, iOS Statusbar and iOS 6 Old NavigationBar.

Related: Popular Winterboard themes for iPhone

To make it clear: This is just a theme. Installing iOS 6 theme doesn’t mean you will have a new Apple Maps, Facebook integration or a revamped App Store. Use this iOS theme only to please your eyes!

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