Vimeo, Why Can’t I Fast-Forward/Jump in the Video?

If you are fishing for short films, high-quality videos, and trying to find a vibrant video community to fit in, Vimeo inevitably stands front in the line.

The HD videos are great, yes, but little did I know that a community this massive doesn’t have one sought-after feature: the ability to jump in the videos. Even YouTube videos in HD can play videos just fine. But why Vimeo?

There’s no jump function in Vimeo videos, which means you cannot move your cursor to the end of the video until the video is fully buffered. You can’t move to an arbitrary point in the video.

I figured out right-clicking on the video, selecting Watch in Couch Mode does pop out a window with an option to fast-forward, but we can’t move ahead until the video is completely buffered.

That’s pointless, again.

As someone mentions in this forum threaddownloading vimeo videos, and watching it on your computer is another option to get past this restrictions. Really?

I am not sure of the technical jargon revolving around Vimeo videos, but slamming the option to jump, without having to wait for the videos to buffer completely, will be a nifty addition to such a great video community.

Lords of Vimeo, you hear us?

Update: The good folks at Vimeo took their time out to tweet me that their HTML5 player does support this feature. Nice!

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