Namco Bandai’s Official PacMan Necklace

First developed in Japan by Namco: Pac-Man is undoubtedly one of the most amusing arcade game. And now, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Pacman success, Namco bandai came up with the official Pacman necklace.

While pacman necklace may not be for everyone, but given the modest pricing and those crazy geeks who are inclined towards the Pac-man merchandise – this is something that fills the gap.

As pointed out by Anoop, there are two Pacman necklaces that were manufactured in Thailand. The first pacman necklace made out of silver, is priced reasonably at $80.


While the second, limited to 30 units, carries 18 carat gold and has three 0.005 carat diamonds. This one is priced at $350.


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