Rip Audio From FLV Videos Or Youtube Videos (FLV TO MP3)

An easy way to convert FLV videos into audio such as Mp3 can be quite helpful. Most of the FLV Videos are downloaded from Youtube, to extract the audio part, we need to only rip audio from FLV videos of Youtube using freeware tools!

Though YouTube is a video sharing community we know how to upload mp3 on Youtube using free tools. You might not want to make use of YouTube every time to listen your favorite song right? Therefore we download YouTube videos offline and convert these FLV extension into compatible format.

In this post we are not discussing ways to download Youtube videos but, we will rip audio from FLV videos that are already downloaded from Youtube (You can find tons of services that downloads videos from Youtube in FLV Format) or for people who have other flash FLV videos that needs to be converted from FLV to MP3 Format.

The free software I would recommend you to download is Earth media’s “Flv Audio Extractor” which is a small freeware (around 1mb) used for extracting and ripping mp3 audios from flv videos. Here is the detailed procedure to rip FLV into MP3

1. Download Flv Audio extractor – Works on Windows XP, Vista, 2000..

2. Complete the installation and then run FLV audio extractor. Make sure the flv video you want to convert is already saved on your hard-disk.

3. After you run the flv extractor program, check the ‘audio’ to rip audio mp3 from FLV. Add the flv video format using ‘Add’ button as shown in this screen shot.

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4. Click on ‘Extract’ button from the program and choose the path you want to save the newly ripped mp3 file.

5. Wait for the process to complete and check the specified path to get your FLV converted mp3 audio file.

Quality check – A FLV video of 6mb got converted into 1.5mb audio mp3 extension file. The bitrate was 64kbps, not great but it’s definitely manageable. Or maybe you can try to change bitrate of the MP3.
