What is Pocodot.com, asks YouTube Users

Rihanna gobbled up 1 million dollar to sign up for an account at Pocodot, and Lady Gaga inadvertently accepted 2 million dollar from Pocodot. Okay, that’s sweet, but really — what the heck is Pocodot?

Pocodot is a Facebook-killer. And it is pushing hard to make its presence sense on the web. That’s what Pocodot.com is all about, I thought.

However, this social networking website takes the dirty route by using YouTube as its weapon to trick the users. Check out the popular music videos on YouTube and you’ll know that Pocodot has drummed the rhythm out of these videos by dropping convincing comments and rapidly earning “thumbs up” in the comment section of YouTube. Yes, the comments on celebrities tying up with Pocodot are fake.

Pocodot spam on YouTube

How is Pocodot gaining massive up-votes on YouTube? That I don’t know, but most of the folks on YouTube are smart enough to hit the “spam” button — as the users have figured out that Pocodot is just another Facebook. Clearly the website has gone wrong in its viral marketing technique.

Here is how a Pocodot profile looks like — yes, I signed up for it. Just for you! 🙂

To a certain extent, the site looks neat with its elegant tabbed feature, but if such awesome marketing tactics are the only way for Pocodot to generate users, then the future of this social networking site hangs on the ropes.

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