Google improves security to access its services

Google has announced that it will make improvements to its security systems to access its services. To do this, it has been proposed to eliminate access passwords and has decided to extend the security function of two-factor authentication to all users of their accounts , with which they confirm their identity through a message sent to their mobile phone. , as long as the account is configured correctly.

Until now, the activation of the two-step verification was optional in Google accounts, but “soon” will be a requirement automatically enabled for all profiles that have confirmed their account and recovery phone number, as the company has explained in a statement .

Device protection

The American company has also highlighted the security functions that it has recently incorporated, coinciding with World Password Day , which was celebrated on the 6th, and which encourages Internet users to protect their devices and accounts in digital services .

Among the measures is the integration of security keys in Android devices and the Google Smart Lock ‘app’ for iOS , as well as the Password Manager integrated in Chrome and Android , with artificial intelligence to protect passwords on any web page and application.

This password manager, which allows saving up to 1,000 different passwords, also has a password verification function , with which the user can discover with a single click if one of his passwords has been leaked , if it has been used on several websites or if any is not solid.

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