Save Flash Games or Movies From Internet Explorer Browser

Although there are few manual ways to extract SWF Flash content from websites using browsers and even desktop software’s that will (freely) save, as well as download flash movies or flash games from the web sites – here is an addon specially developed for Internet explorer browser by Sothink that helps in saving flash content with a single click.

Sothink are providing this IE browser addon that supports Internet explorer 7, 8 including the older IE browsers though they are almost dead.

To save any content such as flash games or flash movie videos from a particular page, download this addon and unzip it. You will have to execute the exe file. Make sure that Internet explorer is closed while performing this operation.


Once you’re done with the installation process, open Internet explorer and you will find a round blue button that allows you to save swf flash files. Visit the website or the flash game site to extract the flash content and save it on your desktop.

Sothink IE addon is 422kb in size and works well on Windows platform. I’ve tested the program by opening flash website and trying to save the flash content, it did work out smoothly! ;)

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