Unable to Watch Youtube Videos (Black Video Screen Issue) on Safari Mac OS Browser?

Mac users have raised their voices against the new sleek YouTube player. Apparently, when a YouTube video is loaded, Mac OS X users are able to hear only the audio part with a black video screen displaying nothing, leaving out the users on the ragged edge of frustration.

Update 1: Audio works fine.

The issue has hindered users from watching YouTube videos on their Safari browser. Also, users have complained on the Google forum that YouTube video doesn’t work on the Youtube site, which means: when the same video is embedded on websites and Facebook, they seem to work just fine.

Among the innumerable complaints dropped on the forum, majority of the users pointed out that the video rendering issue was seen while they were using the Safari browser on their Mac OS X. The good news is that the unprecedented issue of not being able to watch YouTube videos is worked upon.

Black screen on YouTube while watching a video on Safari

Unable to Watch YouTube Videos on iMac, Macbook Pro?

The issue was later noted by the Google employee, Diego, who comes up with these temporary fixes:

Solution 1: Try closing your browser and reload the video. Then right-click on the video player –> click on the Settings -> Disable Hardware Acceleration and refresh your internet Browser.

Solution 2: Right click the Flash object and click on settings. In the first tab of the window thing that appears, uncheck the “Enable hardware acceleration” box.  Now if you go back to a video page, the player will work just fine. There are a few side effects though; software rendering means that the CPU will be doing the job of resizing the video, which makes full screen video look pixellated instead of smooth.

This should solve the video problems. If YouTube still doesn’t work on your Safari browser, then read this comprehensive article: Fixing YouTube’s video loading problem.

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