Download Yahoo Multiple messenger to Login to Yahoo accounts

Yahoo multiple messenger is a free software for download which allows you to use multiple instances of Yahoo IM client by logging into your different yahoo id.This freeware creates sessions helping in easy switch inbetween yahoo accounts and for instant messaging with Yahoo friends.

Login into Multiple Instant Yahoo Messenger accounts

First download Y! Multi Messenger file (here) and run the exe file.After set up just patch the messenger.Make sure the Yahoo messenger downloaded on your system meets the demand of Y! Multi software.Then you will find icon which when double clicked allows you to switch the Yahoo accounts easily!

Apart from Multi account login option,Y! Multi Messenger also allows you to remove text ads or any advertisement banners from the messenger with a single click.Y! Multi messenger works with 2000,Windows Xp & Windows Vista.

Download Yahoo Multi Messenger (8.x & 9.x) from Softpedia or here

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