Visa Virtual Credit Cards Number VCC

Here is an small introduction on the topic of Visa Virtual Credit Card VCC which are well known for their use in Paypal transaction processing system. Virtual cards are safe to use and a replacement for credit or debit cards online. If you want to verify paypal account without credit card then VCC number is the only way to go for almost all the paypal supporting countries!


What are Paypal Virtual Credit cards

Virtual credit cards is an online credit card that can be used for paypal verification. These are important information (numbers) that is generated by the seller which when used in the paypal account will verify your paypal account. It will unlock the paypal sending limit with other benefits which are usually not found in a unverified paypal account.

Why use Virtual Credit cards

Every year, infact everyday their are people who undergo credit card theft and most of them point towards the Internet weak security and payment gateway system. If you are the one who do not want to make use of credit card and still want to verify paypal account then Virtual credit cards are the easiest way to uplift the transaction limit and reap the benefit of verified paypal account.

Get Paypal Visa Virtual card

To obtain a virtual credit card vcc or online credit card you have to contact any vcc seller or some companies which sell virtual credit cards. You have to make a small payment fee to obtain the virtual card. After paying the required fee you will get the information, for example

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Card number :
Expiry Date :  (mm/yy)
CVV2  :

Depending on the seller you will receive a Visa Virtual credit card or Mastercard Vcc number. Enter the given information into your paypal account and remove the card to avoid chargeback. There you have a verified paypal account!
