Instagram prepares Stories only for VIP subscribers

It seems that Instagram prepares Stories only for VIP subscribers, it means that the platform owned by Facebook wants to catch up with OnlyFans and provide some subscription content to shake up the Quo status a bit, but the question is, will it be successful?

Other platforms have wanted to migrate a certain segment of their content to a paying audience, an example of this is Twitter, although at the moment there is no known greater success with this initiative, so we are not sure that users like having to pay for something that until now was always free.

Subscription content on Instagram

According to the recently leaked images, Instagram has paid content that you must subscribe to and would be exclusive Stories for those fans who pay a subscription to a specific profile. The creators would have exclusive content that only those who pay for it will be able to see.

You could not access these Stories anonymously, you could not take screenshots and you would not have a way to download them , so you can only consume it while you are in the profile you subscribe to. For now, it is not clear if that content would be available only for 24 hours, like the Stories that we already know.

What is clear, according to the leaks, is that these Stories could have their own featured section and the VIP subscribers of the profile could go to see it whenever they want, but it seems that this option will always be in the hands of the creator, who whether or not you want to highlight it.

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This would be an attempt by Instagram to help drive revenue for content creators within its platform, without having to resort to advertising sales or sponsored content creation.
