Unlike Facebook Pages. No Dislike Button Yet!

We recently had a write-up on the ‘Like’ button of Facebook and how it could be the next standard in web socialization. Previously known as the ‘Become a fan’ is now ‘Like’ on Facebook pages, and now we also have the ‘Unlike’ Facebook link on the FB pages.

The response from users for the dislike button has urged facebook to come up with something similar, although there is a significant difference between Unlike and Dislike.

If you’ve liked any pages, and you find the updates of the pages to be annoying then Unlike it (remove from your favorite liked pages) using the Unlike button.

While there is not much to speak about, but users will be frustrated with no Dislike facebook pages button. However you look at it, but not having a Dislike button keeps the FB page owner happy 😀

How about Liking us on Facebook? Like our Facebook Fanpage.

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