Three tools to check Your IP address neighbors

Ever wanted to know your IP address andthe web sites hosted on same IP address ? These websites can be found out easily from your web site’s IP address.These websites are your neighbors.It is nice to know your IP Neighborhood but sometime it can be scary too !

Here is a simple tutorial and tools to help you find out your website IP address and IP address of your neighbors hosted with your blog.

Finding your web site’s IP address :

Go to this website and enter your web site url


Click on Get IP and you will get your web site IP address


Copy the IP address.Next..

Finding out your IP address neighbors :

1. Find IP address – Just enter your web site’s IP address and look up all the neighbors who are hosted on the same IP.Very accurate and informative as it has the option to perform quick WhoIs domain details.

2. My IP neighbors – Another easy to know whether  your website is packed into a crowded host with hundreds of other sites.

3. You get Signal – This tool finds out the IP address pointing to a web server and searches for other sites known to be hosted on that same web server just like Find IP address.Has a neat design and also loads of services to track networks.

Blogote IP address is and it 260 web sites associated with it !

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