Asura Scans

Asura Scans

Are you looking for information on Asura Scans? You have come to the right place! In this blog post, we will provide a step-by-step guide on Asura Scans.

Asura Scans


What do you think about Asura scanlators?

As you know, the main policy and decency most scanlators should have is to treat scanlation as a non-profit hobby and hobby only. And here comes Asura. The big bad wolf with releases at lightning speed and rather questionable QC. Also in question are their shitty snipes, which they deny but is up for debate.

Where to read Asura chapters?

ASURA is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in (English/Raw) language, Fantasy series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading ASURA chapters on, fastest updating comic site.
All their series were popular mainly because they were also done by other group and then jumped in with 20 ch mass release acting all high and mighty while ruining it for everyone who cared about read the actual English but some mtled ch that asura put out. Asura made a giant manifesto about the drama as well.

What is the summary of Asura and Indra?

The Summary is ASURA is the champion of the hot narakas (hells), but there’s no one left for him to fight anymore. Then he hears Indra, the strongest being in the world, has appeared…


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This is a complete list of sources that I found to be helpful in researching Asura Scans. If there are any other sites or articles you think should make this list, please leave them as comments below so we can include them!
