How Students Can Start A Successful Career

If you’re in college and you really want to build a successful career, start now, don’t put it off. A successful career is a big and long project, and it starts long before you graduate.


If you are in college and really want to build a successful career, start now. Don’t put it off. A successful career is a big, long project and it starts long before you graduate. So where do you start? Try to imagine that you are an employer. Think about what kind of employee he needs.

A graduate with a diploma who knows nothing but how to attend lectures and seminars, write term papers and take tests? Obviously not. An employer needs an employee who brings practical benefit to the business.

Even if the applicant is a recent graduate, but has something more in his background than sitting behind a student’s bench. And it is this “something” that he should see in your resume and hear at the interview.

The employer will evaluate three parameters: knowledge, skills, motivation. Therefore, if you want to succeed in the upcoming interview in a few years, you need to start your preparation for future work right now, relying on the logic of a potential employer.


Most students believe that there is no direct correlation between the quality of their studies and their future success. And there are examples and life stories of C’s becoming very successful and prosperous people. But this is the exception rather than the rule. It’s better  to be guided by the rules. 

Good knowledge, even if it’s theoretical, will be very useful to you. An employer inviting a finance graduate to an interview is entitled to expect that he knows excel, can calculate the break-even point and make a budget. Don’t disappoint your future supervisors by telling them that you unfortunately missed a lecture.

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Of course, no one requires you to have one hundred percent attendance and top grades in all control and term papers. Still, this website will give you the best possible chance of success in this field. A high academic rating is not only an indicator of intellectual abilities, but also of organization, discipline, diligence and ambition. High ratings open the doors of internships in large domestic and foreign companies. 

When representatives of multinational corporations apply to universities with requests for “promising students”, they are usually interested in the top 20 in terms of academic performance from the general list of students. So if you dream of a successful career, high academic results are important.


Your skills are key to an employer. He can forgive you gaps in theoretical knowledge, as it can be compensated by independent or corporate training. But not having the right skills is indeed a problem because it takes months and years to develop them. And the responsibility for this lies entirely on the employee. 

For example, when a bank recruits trainee operators, the requirements may sound like this: we need sociable boys and girls with a high speech culture and the ability to communicate kindly with customers. The Bank will teach interns how to work with its internal program, corporate documents, and provide scripts for communicating with clients. But no bank will form a high speech culture among trainees.

So, what skills do you need to develop to build a successful career?

  1. First, these are skills-indicators of your readiness to interact with the working adult community: self-organization, responsibility, discipline, punctuality. Not being late, always being in touch, responding to business emails on time – at first glance it seems so natural and simple that there is nothing to discuss. But practice shows that getting used to these rules of the business community is particularly difficult for young professionals. There is even the so-called “student syndrome” – a phone off or absence from the network due to an unfulfilled work task.
  2. Secondly, communication skills: the ability to establish, develop and maintain contacts with people, communicate on the phone and Skype, conduct business correspondence. Presentation skills will also be important, as will your ability to ask questions and answer them correctly and accurately, to lead a discussion and to speak publicly.
  3. Third are information skills: researching sources, gathering relevant facts and figures, processing and organizing everything you find, analyzing, drawing conclusions, archiving, and storing data. When your employer assigns you to find the information you need, it will be a big mistake to ask him, “How do I do it? Where do I find what I need?”. A person with a college degree is supposed to be able to find these answers on their own. comes to the rescue here, and with its help you can find help with any academic paper.
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Your motivation, your “burning eyes”, your willingness to work hard and with enthusiasm, are very important to the future employer. And not just a demonstration of it at the interview, but some real evidence of your activity and commitment. For example, internships during students’ vacations, participation in volunteer projects, hourly evening or weekend work. Preferably, it should be “in line” with your future profession.

If you are studying marketing, the “right” thing for you would be an internship in the marketing and advertising department, participation in the organization and implementation of various promotional activities, events. It’s good if you can work for at least a few months in a team of Internet marketing professionals, try your hand at creating and promoting websites, design or copywriting.

Are you looking to demonstrate how your experience, knowledge and skills make you the perfect candidate for a trainee role? It is essential that employers see the value in hiring an individual who requires training; one who can bring fresh ideas while still learning, rather than consuming resources away from existing employees. Put yourself in the shoes of the head of the company. Answer the question of why you need a student as an employee. What’s the use of him or her?

Possible answers:

  1. He can be assigned assistant work: gathering information, processing data, distributing materials, and other routine work.
  2. He can be hired for temporary work: a trade show, promotion, or other business event.
  3. The student is a handy substitute because he can flexibly plan his schedule.
  4. Students can come up with something new, pitch an idea.
  5. He can be paid less than a regular employee.
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