How to Speed Up a Slow Mac in 9 Simple Steps

“Cleaning” is the work of organizing and cleaning the data on the hard disk to improve the operation speed. Continuing to use your Mac without regular cleaning can slow it down and cause malfunctions and malfunctions. So, here are 13 ways to clean your Mac, from quick to detailed.

5 Ready-to-Use Mac Cleaning Methods

Here are five ready-to-use Mac cleaning methods. If you don’t have the time to clean your Mac, it’s a good idea to try these methods first. It’s a good way to do it when you notice it, so it’s a good idea to do it regularly.

  1. Update OS to the latest version
  2. Safe boot
  3. Optimize storage
  4. Reset the SMC
  5. Reset PRAM / NVRAM

1. Update OS to the latest version

If you haven’t updated your MacOS to the latest version, it may slow down your Mac.

Select System Preferences from the Apple menu and click Software Update. If there is an update, the “Update Now” button will be displayed. Click it to update the OS to the latest version.
However, it may take some time to update depending on the OS version. Updates should be done after work or at night.

2. Safe mode

If you put your Mac in safe mode, it will identify any problems that may occur in your Mac when you start it, and will automatically repair the problems.
To put your Mac in safe mode, first shut down your system by choosing Shut Up from the Apple menu. Restart your Mac after 10 seconds, press and hold the Shift key until you see the login window, and you’re done.
By setting to safe mode, you may be able to improve the operating speed of your computer by deleting the cache that you no longer need.

3. Optimize storage

By using the “Optimize Storage” feature on your Mac, you can constantly save free storage space and keep it running fast.
To set the Optimize Storage feature, open About This Mac in the Apple menu and select Storage at the top. Click the “Manage” button that appears and turn on the “Optimize” setting.
With this setting, if you run out of storage space, the files you use less frequently will be automatically saved to iCloud.

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4. Reset the SMC

An SMC (System Management Controller) is a built-in chip that controls the operation of your Mac’s power supply, battery, fans, and other functions. Resetting the SMC may help improve your Mac’s operating speed.
To reset the SMC, first turn off your Mac and then press and hold “Shift + Control + Option + Power Button”. After that, turn the power off and then on again to complete the reset.

5. Reset PRAM / NVRAM

“PRAM / NVRAM” is a memory area for storing specific setting information even when the Mac is not turned on. If these stored information are the cause of the problem with your computer’s operating speed, you can fix it by resetting PRAM / NVRAM.

To reset PRAM / NVRAM, press and hold “Power”, then “command + option + P + R”, and release when the startup sound is heard twice. This completes the reset work.

8 ways to clean your mac in detail

To keep your Mac comfortable, it’s important to take the time to clean it regularly.
There are eight main ways to clean your Mac in detail:

  1. Remove unnecessary applications
  2. Delete unnecessary files
  3. Remove unnecessary programs
  4. Empty the trash
  5. Organize your desktop
  6. Review of background behavior
  7. Empty the download folder
  8. Clear cache

1. Remove unnecessary applications

If you have applications on your Mac that you don’t need, simply removing them will make things lighter.
The application is saved on your Mac’s hard disk when installed. If the capacity of the hard disk becomes low, it may affect the operating speed of the personal computer.
It’s a good idea to scrutinize applications on your Mac on a regular basis and remove infrequent or unnecessary ones.

2. Delete unnecessary files

As with applications, storing more unwanted files than you need can also slow down your Mac. Deleting those files will increase the hard disk space and improve the operation speed.
Regularly delete unnecessary files, such as files that you no longer use or duplicate files, to keep your hard disk clean.

3. Delete unnecessary programs

Some programs installed on your Mac consume a lot of resources, which can also slow you down. Use the standard Mac app “Finder” to scrutinize and delete these programs on a regular basis.
After launching the Finder app, click Applications, Utilities, Activity Monitor. Check the “CPU” item on the displayed screen, and delete unnecessary programs from those that use a lot of memory.
This work can reduce the load on the hard disk and increase the operation speed.

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4. Empty the trash

Even emptying the Trash can significantly change the operating speed of your computer.
Even if you regularly organize and organize unnecessary files and folders, there may be cases where you have not deleted the contents of the Trash. Periodically click the trash can icon at the bottom of your desktop to permanently delete unnecessary files.

5. Organize your desktop

Having a large number of files stored on your desktop also causes your Mac to take a long time to boot. It’s a good idea to limit the files you save to your desktop to those you use most often or those you want to use right away.
It is important to keep your desktop as clean as possible, such as by storing other files in a separate folder.

6. Review background behavior

The functionality of widgets and apps running in the background of your Mac can strain your device and slow it down.
Let’s review the background operation settings for the following three.

App (Notification Settings)
Notification Center
Sync photos, etc.
We recommend that you turn off the notification function of the app unless you need it. It’s a good idea to disable the widgets you’re adding to Notification Center that you don’t need.
Also, automatic syncing of “iCloud Drive” and “Photos” can slow down your Mac, so turn it off when you don’t need it.

7. Empty the download folder

When you download a file from the net, the file is saved in the download folder unless you specify a destination. If the download folder is full, it may slow down your Mac.
Empty the files in the download folder regularly, such as by moving or deleting them in another folder.

8. Clear cache

The cache is the data of the web page that accumulates every time you browse the site with a web browser. If you feel your Mac is slow when using a web browser, clearing the cache may help.
Check your browser regularly, such as Chrome or Safari, to clear the cache.

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What if my Mac is still slow after cleaning?

If you’ve tried the cleaning methods above and your Mac is still slow, there may be a problem with your drive or peripherals. Let’s find out the cause by the following method.

Check the drive status

Check for abnormalities in the drives used by your Mac, such as internal hard disks, external hard disks, and DVD drives. For this check, use an app called “Disk Utility” that comes standard with your Mac.
Launch the app from “Utilities” in the “Applications” folder, select the target drive and scan. If you find a problem with your drive, click the First Aid button to repair it.
If this process fails to repair the drive, you will need to request a drive replacement or repair.

Remove peripherals

Peripherals such as external drives and speakers can also slow down your Mac. For example, if there is a problem with your peripheral device, or if you are using a peripheral device that does not meet the specifications of your Mac, it may affect the operating speed of your Mac.
If you can’t find the cause on your Mac, remove all peripherals and see if the situation improves.

Clean your Mac

Physical problems, such as dust and dirt on your Mac, can cause your Mac to malfunction. Make sure to clean the surface of your Mac, keyboard, and vents on a regular basis.

If you’re cleaning your Mac yourself, turn off your Mac first, then wipe the surface with a damp cloth to remove dust and dirt. Dust that collects on the keyboard and vents should be removed using an air duster or the like.

However, when you clean your Mac yourself, you need to be careful not to damage it. If you’re worried about damaging your device, it’s a good idea to ask a professional to clean it.

Clean your Mac regularly

Cleaning your Mac, which you tend to put off. Continuing to use your Mac without cleaning can increase the load on your device and can lead to malfunctions and malfunctions. It’s important to clean your Mac as often as possible so you won’t regret it later.

