8 Ways to Fix Plugged in Not Charging

When you are using a laptop with a charging condition, have you ever seen if the status on the laptop battery is plugged in not charging ?

To fix this, you can try several ways to fix the ‘Plugged in Not Charging’ laptop battery which will be discussed in this article.

Causes of ‘ Plugged in Not Charging ‘ Laptop Batteries

Before we get into the main discussion, you need to know first about some of the things that might cause this ‘ plugged in not charging ‘ laptop battery .

  • The battery is not installed in the correct position.
  • Adapter overheating.
  • The charger cable is entangled and cannot supply power.
  • There is a problem with the connector, current, and voltage on the charger cable .
  • The condition of the laptop battery that is already weak and incapable.
  • Uninstalled or corrupt battery driver .

How to Fix’ Plugged in Not Charging ‘ Laptop Battery

Now you know about some of the things that can cause a laptop battery to ‘ plug in not charging’ .

Please use the following methods to solve it. Can be used for all operating systems such as Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and others.

1. Check the Battery, Is it Installed Correctly?

The first thing you can do is check the battery, whether the battery on the laptop you are using is installed correctly or not.

The trick is to try to remove the battery on the back of the laptop, then put it back in and make sure its position is right.

But of course this method does not apply to laptops that use built-in batteries.

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2. Wait Until the Adapter Cools

The adapter of a laptop charger will easily heat up if it is used too often.

When the heat exceeds the limit, there will be something called overheating . If this happens, it can have an impact on your laptop battery and make electrical power not channeled properly. Or even not channeled at all.

Well, to deal with this problem in the form of an adapter overheating, then the only thing you can do is leave the adapter silent for a while.

3. Check the Charger Cable , Don’t Get Twisted!

If you always use a laptop charger with a twisted cable, it will damage the charger quickly and the words ‘ plugged in not charging’ will appear .

To fix this, you can remove the charger from the laptop first. Stretch the charger cable , wait for it to cool down, and plug it in again for reuse.

4. Check Charger Cable Connector, Current and Voltage

Try to check the connector, current, and also the voltage on the charger cable you are using.

Make sure that these three things are compatible with your laptop. This problem usually occurs when you use a universal laptop charger .

You do not see the size of the connector, current, and voltage and adjust to the needs of your laptop.

So, try to use a charger that matches the brand of laptop you are using.

5. Check With Another Charger .

If you have other laptops or friends and relatives who have laptops, try to borrow the charger they have.

But you also need to adjust if the charger you borrow can be used on a laptop.

If the charger is functioning normally on the laptop, then this ‘ plugged in not charging’ problem comes from the charger you are using.

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6. Check the condition of the laptop battery, is it weak?

If you have done the method described earlier and it is estimated that there is no damage to the charger , then try to check the condition of your laptop battery.

Try charging it with the laptop off. Whether the indicator light is on or not. If it doesn’t turn on, it means your laptop battery has a problem.

7. Reinstall the API Battery Driver.

Not only comes from hardware , but the problem in the form of ‘ plugged in not charging’ can also come from the software on your laptop.

One of them is a problem or corruption in the API battery driver . To deal with this problem, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Unplug the charger, turn off the laptop, and remove the laptop battery.
  2. Plug in the charger again , and turn on the laptop.
  3. If it is already on, click open Properties and select the Device Manager option .
  4. On the Device Manager menu , select Batteries, right-click Microsoft ACPI Compliant Control Method Battery, then
  5. Turn off the laptop, put the battery back in, and turn on the laptop again.
  6. Open Device Manager again , click Batteries , and click the Scan for Hardware Changes option .
  7. Later the system will re-download the API battery driver.
  8. Finally, restart your

8. Using the Restore Feature

In addition to using the API battery driver reinstall method , you can also use the Windows default restore feature .

Even the method is easier than the method previously described. Immediately, the steps are below.

  1. Click Start, open System Restore, and select Restore Recommended File System.
  2. Wait for the recovery to complete.
  3. Finally, restart the laptop you are using.
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You can fix this ” plugged in no charging ” problem by using several ways to repair a damaged laptop charger as described above.

