Use ‘Detect Philips Gogear Device’ To Detect Unrecognized Philips Mp3 Player

If you are not able to access your Philips Gogear MP3 Player drive from the explorer, or if Philips mp3 player doesn’t appear on Windows media player sidebar then check out the ‘Detect Philips Gogear device’ freeware tool.

I spotted this freeware tool on a tech forum as my Philips gogear raga failed to show up when connected to the PC. Perhaps you might want to try this out if you are facing the same issue.

Download Detect Philips Gogear Device (alternate link).

Double click on the exe file and it should refresh the windows screen. Check your windows explorer and it should now display the Philips gogear drive.

If the player acts up once again, then I’d recommend you to unplug and plug the gogear player once again and see if your PC recognizes the device. If not, try plugging in the Philips player onto a different PC (Yes, such obscure issues do exist).

If nothing helps and your Gogear raga is refuses to show up then visit the Philips online customer support and inform them concerning the issue.

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