Google’s Interactive eBook: 20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web [HTML5]

When the Adobe team hit our college last year, I remember the demonstration of an eBook that could be easily flipped-through with the left and right buttons. This was, as they said, only possible through the Adobe technology.

But it seems like, with the advent of HTML5, things have changed a LOT. Not only are the Adobe folks forced to back their words, but this HTML5 awesomeness is the much talked technology that is, in the near future, going to replace Adobe Flash platform.


20 Things I Learned: HTML5 eBook

The creative team at Google takes a stab at answering some of the common questions through it’s interactive eBook called “20 Things I learned”. This e-book is built using the revised markup language: the HTML5.

It’s not just the eBook cover that looks striking, but the well illustrated and well written guide covering basics on browser, internet, modern Web and security is pretty handy as well. Anyone looking for a straightforward start on the internet will find this book helpful.

Whether or not the HTML5 succeeds in putting a full stop on the Flash platform — Google is doing its bit in bringing out this powerful technology on the internet.


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