How to Print Complete PDF According to Size and Solutions to the Problem

PDF files are one of the safest files to use. How not, whatever PDF opening software you use, the layout and other appearances will not change.

In contrast to Word format files that are vulnerable to change. The change could be due to a different version of Word or it was intentionally edited by someone else. However, if you want to print it, you will not be able to freely manage PDF files like Word files. Is that right?

That assumption is true, it’s just that you can still print and manage documents like printing Word files. Curious as to what? Let’s see the review below.

PDF Print Steps

For those of you who are still a bit confused about how to print a PDF, you can follow the steps below. Here we use Foxit Reader because it looks simpler and can also be used to edit PDF files.  

The steps to print a PDF are as follows.

  • Step 1: First for you to open the PDF file to be printed.
  • Step 2: If the PDF file is already open, click File > Select Print .
  • Step 3: You select the printer to be used in the Name column . If we use Canon IP2770 print. Then, click File and then select Print.
  • Step 4: Click Properties next to it then the printer properties display will appear.
  • Step 5: At this stage you can adjust the paper size requirement according to your needs. For example, if you want to use F4 size, then select Quick Setup > Printer Paper Size > Select Custom and enter the size 210 mm X 330 mm > Ok. 
  • Step 6: Click Ok on the Printer Properties earlier.
  • Step 7: Next on Print Handling, you click the Scale box > Click Fit to printer margins .
  • Step 8: If all sizes are deemed appropriate to the paper, you click Ok to start the printing process and wait for it to finish.
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By using the method above, the PDF file that you will print will not be truncated. You can print PDF files without being cut off, provided the paper you use is correct. In the steps mentioned above, you can ignore some of step number 7.

You can ignore Fit to Printer Margins if the paper you are using is larger than the PDF file. This is because Fit to Printer Margins is useful for adjusting the original file size to the paper.

If the paper is larger then automatically, the PDF file which is small in size will be forced to be larger, thus allowing the result to be broken or blurry. The steps that we have mentioned above may later be slightly different from one another. The difference is actually only in the appearance or layout. 

However, in general, the steps are the same. Whether it’s using Adobe Reader, Nitro Pro or even with the default browser. You just need to be observant in finding the location. Hope it is useful.

Troubleshooting a PDF That Won’t Print

Have you ever experienced that when you want to print a PDF, the printer doesn’t respond? If you are in such a situation, you need to first make sure that your printer is properly connected and has enough ink and paper to complete the print job. 

Also make sure the paper you are using is not jammed in the printer which makes a document unable to print. Also, try printing a different file, for example a Word document. If the Word file prints without any problems, then there is a possibility that the problem is in your PDF file. 

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If so, you can try to find a way to edit PDF files to Word so that your PDF files can be printed. However, if it turns out that your Word file cannot be printed, then there is a possibility that your printer is damaged.

Another problem that arises is that the printer name does not appear in Name. This applies if you are using Windows 7. If you are using Windows 10, the problem of the printer driver not being detected will be very rare.

It’s just that if you have never installed a printer driver, you need to install your printer driver first. You can look for it on the printer’s official website and make sure it matches the name and serial number of your printer.

If the above method still doesn’t come up with a solution, it’s a good idea to try printing using a different printer.

If it still doesn’t work, we recommend taking your laptop or PC to a professional repairman, who knows your device has a problem and needs repair. Hope it is useful!
